Happy New Year

The past pupils office reopened today after the holidays. As per government guidelines, I will be working remotely for the foreseeable and can be contacted at pastpupilsoffice@mountanville.ie
An eZine will be published this Thursday and we will continue to update all our social media platforms with Past Pupil news so would love to hear from you.
I was delighted to open this message today, it put a pep in my step:
‘Thank you very much for your email to the Class of ’87… lovely touch directly from the Office!
Best wishes to you and your family and friends this Christmas. What a strange (and sad) year it has been, all in all… Having said that, it has been wonderful to see and read all the developments and advancements in MAPPA on email/ezine and social media… the ppa appears to be going from strength to strength. Serious congratulations to everyone involved.. to all the past pupils who are striving during what has been a challenging year for everyone, in school, work, business… and everywhere… And congratulations to you and the Committee and others who are promoting them and spreading the word in a very professional way around the community.
Here’s hoping 2021 will be better for everyone. I hope you and and the Committee members are all well, stay safe, and have a happy Christmas.
Love Léan’
I look forward to hearing all your news!
Happy New Year