Afric Marren, nee O’Reilly, launches Selkie Robes

Afric Marren nee O’Reilly
Class of 1980
Selkie Robes
I graduated from Mount Anville in 1980 and following a degree in Business Studies from Trinity College I initially worked in tech sales. 4 children later, a move to the states and a 6 year career break was followed by a return to Ireland and various forays into self employment ranging from selling a popular brand of French clothing to offering a private guardianship service to overseas students and more recently a qualification as a tour guide specializing in food tours. That all came to a sudden halt with Covid and the recent lockdowns and I found myself with time on my hands and wondering what to do!
After a winter of sea swimming and trying to stay warm I started designing my own brand of Dry and Towelling Robes called Selkie Robes which launched at the end of February. Not limited to sea swimming, sailing or surfing the waterproof robes can be used and enjoyed at outdoors at concerts, camping, the rugby match, festivals or even hanging out at your favourite cafe or entertaining in the back yard!
Cold water sea swimmers really appreciate the many physical and general mental health benefits of sea swimming and to that end 5% of Selkie Robe profits will be donated to Pieta House, the centre for the prevention of self-harm and suicide in Ireland.